Students On the Hill
Students on the Hill, the student ministry of Malvern Hill Baptist Church, meets every Wednesday evening for a time of discipleship and fellowship, starting with open youth room at 6:00 PM, followed by Bible study at 6:30 PM, and Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM for LifeGroup.
Our student ministry has a variety of events and activities that build community, practice servant leadership within the church, and take them out into the community to serve others. Check out the upcoming events listed below or contact Pastor Adam for more information.
Rest. Recharge. Reconnect
Student Girls' Beach Retreat
January 17-19
The student girls (grades 6-12) will be hosting a winter retreat,
The purpose of the retreat is to give our student girls the opportunity to:
Rest from the busyness and regular routines of life;
Recharge with Bible study and group devotions;
Reconnect with one another through crafts, activities, and shared time together.
The total cost for the retreat is $75. For more information or questions, please contact your student girl’s adult LG leader.
Student Guys' Camping Trip
Friday, January 31, 4:00 PM-
Saturday, February 1, 4:00 PM
The student guys (grades 6-12) are taking a camping trip.
The purpose of the camping trip is to give our student guys the opportunity to:
Fellowship together;
Spend time enjoying God's creation;
Spend time in God's Word.
The trip will include outdoor camping, campfires, hiking, games, and devotions.
For more information, contact your LifeGroup leader or the church office. Register with your LG leader or the online form.
February 2
5:00-8:00 PM
ONE Night is a grassroots worship experience for teenagers designed to engage them and their friends with the hope of the Gospel. This FREE community-wide worship event will be held at First Baptist Church Camden. Contact an adult leader for more information.
ONE Night will feature:
- Dynamic Event Speaker
- NGU Worship
- Silent Disco
- Mechanical Bull
- Free Food
- Door Prizes (including a PS5)
- And more!
Don't miss it!
Talk to your LifeGroup leader for more information.
FUGE 2025
A week at camp is exciting, fun, loud, and sometimes even messy! But those things don’t bring about life-change on their own.
Every moment spent at FUGE Camps is intentional. Camp programming is designed to take students out of their normal routine and place them into an environment that is focused on life-change through relationship with Christ.
At MFuge, in addition to daily bible study with your church, students will jump into ministry with local communities and serve people in need for a majority of the day.
Current 6th-12th graders are encouraged to sign up and plan to attend FUGE with us!
Deposit: $75 due by February 3
Total cost: $204 for 1 student $190 each for 2 or more students
Full payment: due by June 23
Breakfast & the Bible
Saturday, coming soon
8:30-10:30 AM
Student girls and their adult leaders will gather off-campus for breakfast and a time of fellowship. Check with your adult leader or contact the church office for more information and directions to the event.
Future Dates:
Congratulations to our 2024 Seniors!
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College Students
We are proud of our college students and want to encourage you while you are studying at college or university. Please complete the online form so that we can continue to communicate with you while you are in college!
Upcoming Events for Students on the Hill
Check out this video for a snapshot of our student ministry!