Equipping Studies

Equipping Studies are short term bible studies that are held on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM or on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. These studies are on a variety of topics taught by a variety of teachers. When Equipping Studies are approaching, you'll find class details and sign-up information here. During this time we have childcare for nursery and 3-4 year olds and children's activities for our elementary aged children.

Strong Men Strong Women

Strong Teens

Sundays, 6:00-7:00 PM

March 2-30

7 STRONG is not a program, it is a series of habits.

Most everyone would agree that more people seem to struggle today to be strong and resilient. Though it isn’t new, there has been a renewed awareness of the mental health struggles of people since the pandemic of 2020. Consider a few statistics:

  • 21% of adults experience mental illness.
  • 15% of adults report a substance abuse issue in the past year.
  • 16% of teenagers report suffering form at least one major depressive episode in the last year. 
  • People with severe mental health disorders have a 10-25 year shorter life expectancy than those without.
  • Chronic physical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are more common in people with mental health disorders. 

The world is shifting, and in many ways it does not appear to be for the better. Most of our efforts at resolving the mental health crisis have focused on healing the sick. We want to actually keep people from getting sick by helping them to be healthier now.

7-STRONG has one primary objective: to help you be stronger and more resilient today than yesterday. 

With 7-STRONG, we aren’t working to raise the ceiling. We want to raise the floor. Too many people can’t even think about raising the ceiling because they are not standing on level ground with people around them. We can’t fix everything, but we can help them to get a little healthier, a little stronger, and a little more resilient so they have a fighting chance.

Students will join the adult classes for multigenerational study and conversations. 

Cost: Free

Men's Group, led by Craig Thompson

Women's Group Led by Ginger Chestnut

Register Online

A Profile of a Spiritually Competent Adult: Malvern Dave and Malvern Debbie

Sundays, 6:00 PM

March 2-30

Discipleship, Leadership, and Spiritual Formation

The primary purpose of our adult LifeGroup model is to equip disciples to make disciples. This resource is designed to equip leaders with tools to guide LifeGroup members toward spiritual maturity. The profile describes an adult disciple we seek to create in our MHBC LifeGroups. This class is appropriate for all LifeGroup leaders and anyone who is actively seeking to disciple others.

In Malvern Dave and Malvern Debbie, we will explore the profile of a spiritually competent adult and provide resources and practical strategies for discipleship. We believe that a spiritually competent adult:

  • Displays Biblically Competency
  • Models Holiness
  • Applies Spiritual Disciplines
  • Multiplies Evangelism Efforts
  • Actively Engages in the Broader Sphere of the Church
  • Actively Utilizes Spiritual Gifts
  • Identifies Spiritual Gifts in Others
  • Encourages Spiritual Growth and Service

Each week will target disciplines for personal spiritual growth and offer resources and practical application for use with a LifeGroup or other relationships where you are actively seeking to share the Gospel with a non-believer or disciple another believer.

Cost: Free

Led by Adam Whiteside

Register Online

Strong Kids

For kids in kindergarten through 5th grade

Most everyone would agree that kids and even young adults struggle today to be strong and resilient. Though it isn’t new, there has been a renewed awareness of the mental health struggles of young people since the pandemic of 2020. 

  • Since 2010 major depressive episodes among teen girls has increased by 145% and by 161% among guys.
  • Anxiety and depression has more than doubled since 2010 among college students.
  • ER visits for self-esteem has increased by 188% among girls.
  • Suicide rates for younger adolescents (10-14) is up 91% for boys and 167% for girls.
  • Self harm rates are rising.
  • The desire to get a driver’s license is declining rapidly. 

We want to establish healthy habits, routines, and rhythms into our kids lives so that they are resilient and can escape some of the struggles that seem to be plaguing young people today.  7-STRONG KIDS Is focused on starting positive habits instead of stopping negative ones. When you implement positive habits, you get the benefit of that habit, plus you take away the negative impact of the negative habit you replaced. 

The positive habits of 7-STRONG KIDS result in opportunity profits for your child's mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

7-STRONG KIDS features a fast-paced rotation of fun activities led by adult leaders and Malvern Hill Students who regularly implement the habits from 7-STRONG into their routines. Rotations will include:

  • 7-STRONG Lesson
  • Music
  • Snacks
  • Recreation

Cost: Free

Led by Adult Leaders and MHBC Students

Register Online

Nursery and 3-4 year olds

If you are participating in our Equipping Studies on Sunday evenings, and you will need childcare, please register your child when you register yourself for the class of your choice. 

Register Here

Parenting With Hope

Wednesdays 6:30 PM

February 12-April 16

Parenting with Hope invites you to anchor your hopes and expectations in Christ—the true source of wisdom, strength, contentment, and fruitful parenting. Integrating sound biblical teaching, insights from developmental experts, and her own experiences as a teacher and mother, Melissa Kruger will wisely guide you through today’s most common concerns. Emphasizing principles over prescriptions, Melissa will help you to understand how you can build up and bless your teens in God-honoring ways.

When you recognize God as the ultimate parent, you'll begin to truly understand that he is presently at work in the hearts of both parents and teens. This encouraging and practical guide will equip you with the wisdom to cultivate a Christ-centered household, passing on a legacy of faithfulness to your teenage children.

This encouraging and practical guide will equip you with the wisdom to cultivate a Christ-centered household, passing on a legacy of faithfulness to your teenage children.

This 10 week study meets on Wednesdays, starting Wednesday, February 12. You will build community while also learning how the Bible can guide you through the teen years with your kids.

Cost is $15

Led by Cheri Austin, Small Groups Facilitated by various members of the Women's Ministry Leadership Team

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