
Below you'll find up-to-date information concerning our LifeGroup ministry. 

Adult LifeGroups

Our adult LifeGroups meet at 9:45 AM and most of their meeting rooms are located in the gym. There are signs outside each of the LifeGroup rooms to help you find your way. Also, any of our greeters or pastors would be more than happy to help you find your way. Here are the adult LifeGroups that we offer as well as their general age range and make-up. There are no age requirements to join any of our LifeGroups. If you are unsure of where to start and would like to be directed to a LifeGroup, contact our discipleship pastor, Adam Whiteside

  • Young LifeGroup (Co-ed Young Adults; Room 271)
  • Austin/Harp LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 172)
  • Brian Garbade's LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 274-275)
  • Chestnut/Hayes LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 176)
  • Dowey/Egbon LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 263-264)
  • Hendrix/Hunter LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 272-273)
  • Jay Colvin's LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 276-277)
  • McGee LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 165) 
  • Ricky Ham's LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 102; Library)
  • Robert Adams' LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 164)
  • Tate Williamson's LifeGroup (Co-ed; Room 173)
  • 55+ LifeGroup* (Co-ed Senior Adults; Room 170-171; Fellowship Hall)
  • Fellowship LifeGroup* (Senior Adult Women; Room 175)
  • Lillian Hawkins / Dorcas LifeGroup* (Senior Adult Women; Room 106;  Conference Room)
  • Men's LifeGroup* (Senior Adult Men; Room 123)

*Indicates a LifeGroup that uses LifeWay curriculum instead of our Sermon Driven curriculum

LifeGroup Ministry

Our LifeGroups are the main discipleship ministry of our church where our people gather together to study Scripture and apply it to their lives. We call these small discipleship groups LifeGroups as a reminder of what we are seeking to accomplish as disciples of Jesus Christ:

  • Learning and applying God's Word
  • Investing in others for evangelism
  • Fellowshipping that results in care and accountability
  • Engaging in service with our church family

We encourage new members and visitors to visit multiple LifeGroups over the course of several weeks before settling permanently in one. This is part of the DNA of our LifeGroup ministry and is expected. LifeGroups are essential to the personal ministry of our church. Each group has its own personality and way of ministering to one another. It is important that everyone join with a LifeGroup where they best fit in and where they can receive the best ministry. 

LifeGroups meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM. If you would like to get involved in a LifeGroup, please contact Keven Newsome our Discipleship Pastor.


Sermon Driven Curriculum

Most of our LifeGroups utilize our Sermon Driven Curriculum. This curriculum consists of study questions added to the worship bulletin each week and attached to the sermon videos as they are uploaded to the sermon archives. LifeGroups using this as curriculum discuss these questions the following week during LifeGroups. 

LifeGroup Curriculum

Access the sermons Here

Children's LIfeGroups

All of our Children's LifeGroups meet in the Children's Building on Sunday mornings at 9:45AM. This building is located to the left of our former sanctuary as viewed from the street. There is no external access to this wing. You must check-in your children from within. We have six children's LifeGroups that meet on Sunday mornings:

  • Nursery (Babies) LifeGroup
  • 15-months to 2-year-olds LifeGroup
  • 3 and 4-year-olds LifeGroup
  • 5k and 1st grade LifeGroup
  • 2nd and 3rd grade LifeGroup
  • 4th and 5th grade LifeGroup

Gen180 Student LifeGroups

Our students meet in the Youth Room at 9:45 AM before breaking out into their LifeGroups. The Youth Room is located above the Fellowship Hall in the gym. You can access it by taking the interior stairs on the left side of the building. 


  • Student Guys 11th-12th Grade LifeGroup  (Room 202)
  • Student Girls 11th-12th Grade LifeGroup (Room 205)
  • Student Guys 8th-10th Grade LifeGroup (Room 206)
  • Student Girls 8th-10th Grade LifeGroup (Room 207)
  • Middle School Students 6th-7th Grade LifeGroup (Youth Room)