Women's Ministry

In this section, you'll find information about on-going and upcoming Women's Ministry events and activities.  Scroll down to see the great things going on to help the women of our church grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's Word. 

For questions, contact the church office or check the church calendar for additional event information. 

← church calendar

Precepts Study

Beginning Tuesday, January 14

1:00-3:00 PM


6:30-8:30 PM

Isaiah is the crown jewel of Old Testament prophets, a book that strikes awe in the heart of its reader, especially when its poetry is read in the Hebrew. Prophecies from Isaiah are mentioned in twenty-two places in the New Testament. The words of Isaiah were often found on the lips of the Christ, the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah. If Jesus, God incarnate, honored this grand and glorious book so highly, then you and I ought to do the same.

In Isaiah Part 1, we'll meet the Holy One of Israel, and learn how He deals with those who claim Him as God but don't honor Him as God in the way that they live. And we'll find the destiny of nations, the future of all mankind...including ours.

This class will meet off campus on Tuesdays, and is now available at two different times: 1:00-3:00 PM or 6:30-8:30 PM, at the home of Cheri Austin.

Cost of materials is $30. Deadline to order materials in time for the first class is December 20. 

To register, or for more information, text Cheri at 803-427-2385 or register and pay online.

Register Here


2025 Women's Winter Conference

Friday, January 31-Saturday, February 1

Reclaim God’s good design for women and overcome the war on women that threatens to overtake us. Watch engaging, passionate speakers who love God and his Word to equip yourself with biblical and practical answers to live confidently and courageously as women. Women of God need to rise up, reclaim, and live out God’s good design for women for his glory. “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

Friday January 31, 6:00 PM-9:00 PM

The conference will kick-off in the gym with desserts and a time of fellowship, followed by live praise and worship music, video teaching from the Answers for Women conference, Reclaim, and break-out sessions for discussion.

Saturday, February 1, 8:30 AM-3:00 PM

The conference will continue on Saturday morning with coffee and a light breakfast, followed by more live praise and worship music, additional video teaching from the Answers for Women conference, Reclaim, and break-out sessions for discussion. Lunch will be served around noon.

Registration Information

Early registration by January 9 is $15

Registration after January 9 is $20

Register Here

Parenting with Hope:

Raising Teens for Christ in the Secular Age


starting February 12

6:30-7:30 PM

This encouraging and practical guide will equip you with the wisdom to cultivate a Christ-centered household, passing on a legacy of faithfulness to your teenage children. 

Gather with other women for community and support, learn Biblical principles, and get suggestions for practical application. 

Join us for this 10 week study, starting Wednesday, February 12 and build community while also learning how the Bible can guide you through the teen years with your kids.

The cost of the book and study guide is only $15 when you order through the church (a savings of $7). 

Pay when you register or pay in person at the first class. We are preparing the order now, so register today! 

Register Here

Women's Ministry

Our Vision

The Women's Ministry of Malvern Hill includes all of the women of our church. We recognize that women are actively involved in ministry in a variety of capacities in the church and their communities. Women are busy teaching, serving, and ministering in organized events and in day-to-day life. The leadership team of the Women's Ministry exists to help encourage women where they are in their personal relationship with Jesus. 

The Women of MHBC, uniting to encourage and grow in truth, love, knowledge, service, and faith "...that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ." 

Colossians 2:2

Our desire is that women would make an impact on others in their sphere of influence because they have been equipped through our ministry opportunities.

There are a variety of opportunities for women to learn and grow throughout the year. Opportunities are available in the areas of service, discipleship, and fellowship. 

// Winter Conference  //  Winter Craft Party  //  GraceGroups  //  Equipping Studies  //  Tuesday Morning Bible Studies  //

Mission Prayer Group  //  Mission Bible Study  //  LifeGroups  //  Ladies' Night out//

Prisoner Packets

The Women's Ministry will be collecting prisoner packets for SC inmates. These packets will be hand delivered to inmates around SC with personal visits by believers, giving Christians the opportunity to share the love of Christ. If you would like to help, you can collect a bag from the welcome center and fill it with the items listed below, or you can make a donation to assist with filling additional bags (write" Prisoner Packets" on your giving envelope). Items listed below must be packed exactly as stated. For the safety of inmates and prison officials, we are not allowed to substitute items.

  • (1) black non-retractable pen (no wire clips, no other color ink)
  • (1) standard size writing tablet approx. 6" x 9" (no wire bound books, composition books, post-it notes, or colored paper)
  • (1) adult toothbrush (individually factory-sealed, no multi-packs)
  • (1) 4 oz to 6 oz toothpaste (no travel size)
  • (1) 3.2 oz to 6 oz bar of soap (no travel size,no unwrapped or unboxed bars)
  • (2) rolls of hard candy like LifeSavers, Mentos, Breath Savers (NO Smarties, Sweetarts, Necco Wafers, Rolos, Starburst, TicTacs)
  • (1) gallon-size zipper bag( no other size bags accepted) ALL ITEMS MUST FIT IN THE PROVIDED ZIPPER BAG WITH ZIPPER CLOSED SECURELY
  • DO NOT INCLUDE: washcloths, toothbrush holders, floss, combs.

Grace Groups

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." 

Colossians 1:28

Grace Groups are small groups of women who commit to meet together at least once a month for the purpose of celebrating victories, admitting defeats, encouraging one another, challenging one another, and growing together. 

Grace Groups are for members of LifeGroups who are committed to caring for one another and growing in their relationship with Christ so that they can in turn share the gospel with others. GraceGroups are not a substitute for Bible study, so members of Grace Groups should be actively involved in their LifeGroups or other small groups.

If you would like to know more about how to be involved in Grace Groups, contact the church office or mention it to your LifeGroup leader.

Equipping Studies

Equipping Studies are offered in the fall and spring to equip believers to grow and live out their faith.

Visit our Equipping Studies page for more information about upcoming studies.

Equipping Studies