
8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Worship

At 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings, we have our time of worship as a church family in our sanctuary. A normal worship service for us incorporates prayer, Scripture readings, music, an offering, and the preaching of God's Word. Our worship music is blended, meaning we incorporate many recent worship songs while also including one or two traditional hymns during our service. 

9:45 AM LifeGroups

Sunday morning is the largest gathering of our church family during the week. At 9:45 AM, we have LifeGroups, which are discipleship groups where we gather together to study God's Word, care for one another, and serve both our church family and the world. You can find out more about our LifeGroups here.

Nursery and Children

A nursery is available during the service for newborns through 2-year-olds. Preschoolers (3 & 4-year-olds) and 5K-5th graders will be dismissed during the service for their own worship classes in the Children's building. Parents, we ask that your children are properly registered and that you accompany them to the children's wing for registration if they were not registered prior to worship.

6:00 PM Activities

On Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM, we have a variety of different activities through the year. For most of the year, we meet in small group studies called Equipping Studies on a variety of biblical topics. During this time we have a nursery for younger children and children's classes for our preschool and elementary-aged children.

For more information about our times of worship, check out our page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Wednesday Evenings

On Wednesday nights throughout the year, we have a number of activities for the various age groups in our church family. 

Adults  //  Men and Women  //  6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting in the Sanctuary

Students on the Hill  //  6th-12 grade

Open Gym - 6:00PM

Student Worship Service - 6:30PM

Kids on the Hill  //  Nursery-5th grade

Kids4Christ Club in the Children's Building - 6:30PM

Equipping Studies  //  Short-term, small group studies   //  6:30 PM

As announced. Check the Upcoming Events tab on the website for details and to register for upcoming studies

Our Location

Malvern Hill Baptist Church is located in East Camden just off of Highway 1 near the airport at 1514 Malvern Hill Drive.